EPA Defies Public Concern, Approves “Agent Orange” Herbicide

Despite the desperate outcry of both the public and members of Congress, the Environmental Protection Agency has approved the use of Monsanto and Dow Chemical’s latest herbicide.

2,4-D is a very toxic herbicide and a suspected endocrine disruptor that has been linked to cancer and reproductive harm. Children are particularly susceptible to its effects. The toxic chemical – created in WW2 to destroy enemy food supplies – will soon end up in animal feeds and the food we eat.

Marion Nestle, New York University food scientist and organics promoter recently blogged, “The potent and toxic 2,4-D has been linked to many human health problems. It also is likely to harm non-genetically engineered crops in neighboring fields, threaten endangered species, and ultimately lead to the development of weeds that are resistant to it, leading to even more problems.”

Via ecowatch.com: “Dow’s ‘Agent Orange’ corn will trigger a large increase in 2,4-D use—and our exposure to this toxic herbicide—yet USDA has not assessed how much, nor analyzed the serious harm to human health, the environment, or neighboring farms,” said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety. “This novel corn will foster resistant weeds that require more toxic pesticides to kill, followed by more resistance and more pesticides—a chemical arms race in which the only winners are pesticide/biotechnology firms.”

“Many studies show that 2,4 D exposure is associated with various forms of cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, nerve damage, hormone disruption and birth defects,” said Dr. Amy Dean, an internal medicine physician and president-elect of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. “Because it poses significant health risk, exposure should not be increased, but significantly reduced to protect the public’s health.”

The public must act! For starters, let’s get phones ringing off the hooks.
Dow Chemical: (800) 258-2436
Gina McCarthy, EPA Director: (202) 564-4700
EPA Pesticide Hotline: (800) 258-7378
White House Switchboard: (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414

In addition, March Against Monsanto is coordinating with numerous food and environmental advocacy groups in an effort to stage a full-scale protest at the doors of the EPA. (Details will be released as soon as possible, according to a spokesperson.)