Monsanto Looks To Buy Votes

Records from the Oregon Secretary of State’s office show that on October 8, Monsanto made a contribution of $2.5 million in a bid to crush an Oregon initiative, bringing the company’s total contributions to $4,085,150. The initiative—ballot measure 92—would require manufacturers and retailers to label “genetically engineered raw and packaged food.” Backers of the provision say that Oregonians “have the right to know” what is in their food.

This is not the first time Monsanto has poured its funds into efforts to crush such measures. Earlier this month, it was revealed that the company has spent $4.7 million to defeat a similar initiative in Colorado, also up for vote in November.

A growing, non-GMO activist community is watching with baited breath as to what will happen in November. Monsanto and its cronies at the Grocery Manufacturers Association have become notorious with dumping money into propaganda-filled ads and have succeeded in fooling an uneducated public with lies such as GMOs are needed to feed a starving world. As witnessed in California and Washington, biotech’s bank accounts have reigned supreme. Will money or morals be victorious? You decide.

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