Yes On 92! A Vote For Food Justice

Monsanto has just dropped another $2.5 million to defeat GMO labeling in Oregon – bringing the total to $4.5 million in just one state. They also dropped another cool million in Colorado – bringing the total to about $5 million in that state – all to keep voters from checking that YES LABEL GMOs box at the voting booths or on their ballots.The GMO measure is the costliest in Oregon history at more than $17 million given so far.

What exactly are these companies trying to hide from U.S. consumers?

Measure 92 is all about keeping the right to know with consumers, and not further selling out to biotech bullies and seed monopolies. It goes against giving corporations the same rights as people, while they poison the planet and take absolutely no accountability for those actions.

Measure 92 would require labels on most foods purchased at the store that contain genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Food exempt from labeling under Measure 92 includes meat and dairy, as well as restaurant food.

Mandatory labeling is the only way for complete transparency of our food supply, and we deserve to know what is in our food! You can support this measure further by staying in touch with Oregon Right to Know on Facebook.

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